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Person with Reduced Mobility (PRM) Services

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The person with reduced mobility (in the abbreviation PRM) is anyone who has a particular difficulty in the use of public transport, including people with disabilities, the elderly, people with sensory limitations, wheelchair users, pregnant women and who accompanies young children.

In compliance with the provisions of Circular no. 10 / SM of 4 January 2007 of the Ministry of Transport and the European Regulation 1177/2010, concerning the rights of passengers traveling by sea and inland waterways, some naval units of the BLU JET are suitable for the transport of people with reduced mobility, with adequately trained staff.

In particular, Selinunte Jet and Tindari Jet are equipped with visually impaired routes and tactile maps and the Selinunte Jet and Tindari Jet naval units are also equipped with automatic elevation systems, to allow people with reduced mobility, not walking and / or equipped with a chair. wheels to reach, from the boarding areas, the main passenger bridges where dedicated seats are provided inside the hall, identifiable by specific location symbols and with anchor points for people with wheelchairs.

The passenger who wishes assistance during the ferry must notify it by sending an email to indicating the time of the journey and any details on assistance or note of the purchase of the travel document at the ticket office within 90 minutes before the time of the chosen journey.

The Command of the ship, informed by the ticket offices, will make the entrance of the P.R.M. with priority activating the staff, appropriately trained and certified, who will provide assistance for boarding and subsequent accommodation in the special area of the main deck reserved for them. The assistance will be provided for the entire duration of the trip and the disembarkation will take place in the same way.

The PRM assistance service cannot be activated as baggage assistance from railway stations.

The service provided by the Blu Jet Company is active from the passenger collection area of the port of departure to the same area of the port of arrival, both near the port ticket offices.

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